Thursday, June 24, 2010


Will add more again after the show this Sunday!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

New places, new faces, more fun!

SO klassy was moved to Vashon on the 5th of this month :) She jumped right in the trailer and then didint really want out lol She is close my my Gma Lori's house and closer to the horse park, both right down the road from where she is boarded, If you go to the left off our road you hit thehorse park, right you go past Lots of fun pasture and get to Lori's :) Botha great warm up ride! We are also loactaed right by Soooooooooo many trails its insane! lol
Klassy has her own outdoor roundpen where she stays all day when she is not in her little pasture of grass :) When it rains she gets put in the end stall. She is very happy there and likes all the other horses.
I have worked her a few times, and she seems to really being starting to enjoy working, and really understanding how to use parts of her bodey and that when you relaxe things go eaiser!
I forget alot that she is only four! Acts like a older broke horse so much of the time.
We have our first dressage/jumping show in two weeks. Only doing itty bitty jumps cause she lies it so much, and doing two dressage tests.
Then we havea 4h show two weeks after that, going to do a few classes for fun.
Graduation is in two days!